We believe there are lots of reasons to choose Coral Bay Divers whilst you are visiting Cyprus. We thrive on diving. In fact we love it and are a little bit mad about it. Passion you could call it. The atmosphere, the people, the experience and the underwater bit too... We hope that some of this will help create the perfect environment for you to come and join in. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced certified diver we want to see you and share what we believe is the best sport, hobby or lifestyle there is. We have worked over many years and have gotten better and better.We have a great little dive centre which makes the perfect base for heading out for your underwater adventures. We have fitted it out to make a relaxing environment where you can browse through our shop, sit down and have a coffee and some refreshment. If you're wanting to stay in touch with the rest of the world then feel free to bring your laptop down and connect to our wireless internet access for FREE. Just catch up with emails and send some photos home to make folks a bit jealous.