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USS Adirondack Wreck

Abaco Islands, Bahamas
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15m - 45m
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About USS Adirondack Wreck

The USS Adirondack Wreck is a dive site located in the Abaco Islands, known for its historical significance. This site is the resting place of an Ossipee Class Wooden Screw Vessel and Gun Boat, which served as part of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. In August 1882, the vessel ran aground on a small bank and subsequently broke up and sank. The maximum depth of the site is 9 meters, making it accessible for beginners. The site is characterized by the remnants of the wreck and a surrounding reef.

The marine life at the USS Adirondack Wreck is diverse and includes Eagle Rays, Green Turtles, Moray Eels, Porpoises, Reef Fish, Seahorses, and various other species. The visibility can reach up to 45 meters, offering a clear view of the underwater environment. The current is generally light, making it a comfortable dive for those new to the sport. This site offers a unique blend of history and natural beauty, making it a must-visit for divers exploring the Abaco Islands.

USS Adirondack Wreck Dive Site Characteristics
Terrain and Features: Reef, Wreck
Entry Type:boat
Max Depth:9m
Experience Level:Beginner
Visibility Range:15m - 45m
  • Moray Eels
  • Reef Fish
  • Green Turtles
  • Seahorse
  • Various
  • Porpoises
  • Eagle Rays
Water Temperature ℃

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